October 17, 2024

First Presbyterian

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Personal Interest Missionaries

With personnel in more than fifty countries, Presbyterian World Mission is literally changing the course of history.  Thousands of lives have been transformed thanks to our mission personnel's faithful and effective work in education, evangelism, health care, community development, and other ministries.  We at FPCGG give thanks for God's presence in the persons of Presbyterian Mission Personnel whom we personally support as our Personal Interest Missionaries.




Shannon Lamb FPCGG also supports a fourth Personal Interest Missionary, Shannon Lamb; she and husband Dave, an Old Testament professor, and their two sons now live in Pennsylvania.  Shannon is a Divisional Director of eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, serving college students through conducting Bible studies and conferences and training staff.  (Shannon began her growth to Christian maturity at FPCGG.  As a high school student, she was a delegate from this church to Youth Triennium.






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